THAT’S A WRAP! Tailgate Festival 2022 was an absolute pearler, with no shortage of hot tunes, cold beverages & high scale sonic stunts brought to life at Gold Coast’s Burleigh Bazaar for one of 2022’s finest rock conglomerates.

Private Function by Joel McDonald (Yeah Rad)

The evening saw primal Aussie riffage in full force. Fresh from their Adelaide abode, long-awaited co-headliners Bad//Dreems delivered a gutful of timely numbers, but not before party punk rock heroes Private Function took the plunge, quite literally.

Private Function by James Latter

Joining in on the damage, Sydney cult punk-rockers Johnny Hunter and grungy-skater boys from Rockhampton Pandamic honoured the stage, but not before heavy hitters Full Flower Moon Band, new wave punk enthusiasts Radolesent, local lords The Lonesomes, the Powerful & Almighty sounds of The Hunkz and newcomers Daylight got to wreaked their music making havoc for us all to bear witness.

The Lonesomes by James Latter

Full Flower Moon Band by James Latter

Cheers as always to the bands for putting on a magnificent show, and here’s to the legendary crew from Young Henry’s and Jameson for their effortless collaboration and for always sourcing a good drop, rigging up the Chevy, and ensuring the evening went down as smoothly as the ice cold concoctions they serve.

A big shoutout also to the amazing staff at Burleigh Bazaar working the frontlines with unmatched beer pouring expertise, and to all the stall owners, photographers and of course the Tiny Minds Team for helping bring the good times to life.

And finally, a massive thank you to every single legend who showed up to celebrate and support, Tailgate Festival 2022 was officially one for the books! Keep your eyes peeled for the next one…

Until then, you can mull over the memories using the link to our photo album here, and don’t miss out on any of Tiny Minds other upcoming gigs this month!

LaBelle Sienna Jackson